How to write TAKINOSAWA Tanohata-mura shimohei-gun Iwate in Japanese characters

How to write TAKINOSAWA Tanohata-mura shimohei-gun Iwate in Japanese characters. The data come from Japan Post.

zipcode and address

TAKINOSAWA(Inseart numbers and so on before the address)
Tanohata-mura shimohei-gun, Iwate
028-8401 Japan

Japanese Kanji

You can click/tap to copy Japanese Expression partially.
岩手県 下閉伊郡田野畑村 三沢

Japanese Hiragana

いわてけん しもへいぐんたのはたむら みさわ

Japanese Katakana

イワテケン シモヘイグンタノハタムラ ミサワ
